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Steven Johnson Leyba (born September 3, 1966) is an artist, painter, fine art book maker, author, spoken word performance artist, and musician, who claims Mescalero Apache ancestry. He has been called the father of “Sexpressionism” by art critic Carlo McCormick.
His work has been criticized for using the swastika symbol and sexual imagery for the purposes of shock and controversy.
In 1994 he was made a Reverend in the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey.

Leyba’s mixed media paintings utilize photographic collage, acrylic paint, oil paint, beadwork, as well as human blood. Leyba’s work attempts to 'liberate' human sexuality from commercialism. Using recontextualized images of human genitalia he emphasizes aesthetic notions of beauty and the politics of sexuality.
His hand-made fine art books which can weigh up to seventy pounds consist of bound pages of paintings on canvas.
His public performances consist of spoken word rants, cutting, piercing and extreme acts of degradation and sadomasochism.
He has released two albums of spoken word and music on Adversary Records: The Rev. Steven Johnson Leyba Presents: The United Satanic Apache Front, and Fuck Your Freedom. He has produced album covers for the bands Unveiled and Faggot.
Leyba is currently on mixmedia Book 14 : WAR IS TRUTH.

Leyba is inspired by Native American motifs such as the swastika, Apache Gahn Dancers, images of Native American warriors such as Geronimo, as well as the landscape of the human body.

In March 1997 his painting “Wounded Knee Decomposition” was censored by the KiMo Theater in Albuquerque, New Mexico during a Native American art exhibition held to raise money to allow American Indian prison inmates to hold and attend sweat lodge ceremonies. A special screen was set up to segregate his painting from the rest of the exhibit.

In 1997 he performed his “Apache Whiskey Rite” before an audience of the San Francisco political establishment at the political consultant Jack Davis’ fiftieth birthday party. During the performance Leyba was sodomized by a woman wearing a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey in a harness. The performance resulted in national media attention including the front page of the New York Times, references in scholarly articles, and public debate.
In 2002 he was the subject of the film documentary "Unspeakable:The Life & Art of Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba" by Marc Rokoff.

Leyba’s first book Coyote, Satan, Amerika was published by Last Gasp in 2001 and featured reviews of his work by William S. Burroughs, H.R. Giger, Poppy Z. Brite, Clive Barker, and others. His memoir The Last American Painter, with an introduction by Genesis P-Orridge was published by Coyotel Press in 2008. In 2009 Coyotel Press published his fine art book, Sexpressionist Portraits, and a collaboration with Dave Archer, Steve Hapy, and Will Taylor, The Trickster’s Bible.



Coyote Satan Amerika - “The Unspeakable Art & Performances of Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba”

The ritualistic, sexual and political mixed media paintings and performances of Native American artist Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba reflects our times with his relentless and fiercely unapologetic vision. Redeemer of the swastika and desecrator of the Amerikan flag “to mock blind nationalism and patriotism” Leyba is a master of art associal satire, giving birth to controversies and theoretical debates alike. A legally ordained priest in the Church of Satan, Leyba has been a prominent figure in the debunking of christianity and its role in the American Holocaust. Oil and acrylic over collage, beadwork, urine, excrement, human hair and semen, as well as sex and blood rituals comprise his mediums of choice. Layer upon layer of textured content inspired by his religion and heritage (Apache, Creek, Navajo, Cherokee, Irish, Swedish and Welsh), gives voice to the rage and politics of this “Satanic Apache.” Several artists / writers, including luminaries such as William S. Burroughs, Poppy Z. Brite, David Aaron Clark, Charles Gatewood, Bily Warsoldier, H.R. Giger and feminist Susan Wright offer their personel insights into Leyba’s work with introductions to each of his five hand-made books.

Last Gasp, San Francisco

The Last American Painter

„Brilliant! Leyba is the son I never had“
-Sue Coe, artist and activist
„I was astonished by Leyba‘s images-powerful, imaginative. And of course outrageous! With something important to say.“
-Howard Zinn, Historian, social critic, author
„An artist who is a prophet trumps an artist INTO profit every time!“
-Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Artist, musician, cultural engineer(from the introduction)
“There is no shocking the citizens of San Francisco, it has been argued; it takes some doing just to entertain them or so they apparently thought“
-New York Times
„In the Native American Tradition of the Trickster.“
-Don Lattin, religous writer San Francisco Chronicle
“Steve is able to expose the face of true love which knows no bounds, which is unconditional, whichis the simple love of being.“
-Penny Rimbaud, of the Crass
“Leyba is a visionary artist, a missionary artist involved compulsively on behalf of us all in a form of creation that evolves our understanding of existence, is fully in the original and true meaning.“
-Will Taylor, Author of“Pollen Road“
„San Francisco is still abuzz.“
-U.S.A. Today

Coyotel Press

The Angry Indian Priest‘s Satanic, Pornographic Coloring Book

Coyotel Press

Sexpressionist Portraits

Limited Edition of 333, signed and numbered in blood by artist as well as an original mini Sexgoblin. Nr. 116/333

Coyotel Press