HANDIEDAN (Hanneke Treffers, 1981) ist eine in Amsterdam ansässige Künstlerin und Designerin.
Im 2002 graduierte sie in Photographic Design. Sie ist jedoch auch versiert in Apparel Design, Illustration und Flash Animation. Dazu gestaltet sie Web-Seiten und kreiert ihrer eigenen Kunstwerke.
Ihre Bilder sind delikate Mixturen aus klassischen Pin-ups eingepackt in zeitgenössischen Antiquitäten und werden mit der "Kopieren und Einfügen" -Technik gestaltet. Sie benützt vergilbte Notenblätter, alte Spielkarten, Pin-ups, Briefmarken, altes Holz, rostiges Metall, eine verspielte Mischung aus Filigranarbeiten und Gekritzel- So entstehen neue und interessante Bild-Kreationen.
HANDIEDAN (Hanneke Treffers, 1981) is an Amsterdam based artist and designer. In 2002 she graduated in photographic design. Although her degree says photography, she has also become well versed in apparel design, illustration, flash animation, website design, as well as creating her own fine art works.
Her work is a delicate cut and paste mixture of classic pinups wrapped in contemporary antiquity.
Using yellowed sheet music, old fashioned playing cards and money, pinups, stamps, old wood, rusty metal and a playful mixture of filigree and doodles, she creates a newfangled amalgamation of imagery.
HANDIEDAN’s work has been shown in shows worldwide, including Phone Booth Gallery, Bright Young Things Gallery, Gallery 1988, M’atuvu at Josworld and joined the Cut&Paste Competition in London as one of the 8 final contestants.
Her work also appears in magazines, books and websites such as IDEAFried’s 'The Keywords on Visual Arts in Netherlands', Victionary’s “Musikraphics and ‘Fashion Wonderland’, Photoshop Creative, IDN Magazine, Fefè Magazine, Proteus Magazine, Carpaltunnel Magazine, Wonderland Magazine and Juxtapoz Art & Cultural Magazine.