The Museum of Porn in Art presents:
„MEMENTEROS“ an exhibition by Vanessa Sinclair & Carl Abrahamsson
Sexuality is a cutting up of biological needs and psychological adjustments. The past haunts us in dream-like fragments: saturated, inspring, terrifying. We take part of it in immediate interpretations, re-enactments and projections. From vintage super 8 pornography, over new erotic filmmaterial and on to making collages and poetry of stills from this assemblage film, Vanessa Sinclair (US) and Carl Abrahamsson (SE) have created MEMENTEROS. It’s a film, it’s stills, it’s poetry, it’s a collage and, in extension, a music and poetry performance. All of it hailing (from) the sensual mysteries, traumas and triumphs of our subconscious sexualities. It’s a deep trip but a decidedly life-enhancing one.
Vernissage: Thursday, the 4th of July 2019 from 20:00 at Edi's Weinstube, Stüssihofstatt 14 in Zurich. The artists will be present.
Exhibition: From the 5th of July to the 28th of August 2019. Monday to Thursday 11:00-00:00, Fiday and Saturday, from 11:00-02:00 and Sunday 14:00-22:00.
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: SOLD
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: SOLD
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
VANESSA SINCLAIRE & CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Collage auf Fotopapier, 2019, 29.7 x 42 cm, Preis: CHF 300.-
Picture Gallery