Das Museum of Porn in Art präsentiert:
"heæled" von Vedi Djokich
Vedi Djokich ist ein Zeitgenössischer bildender Künstler aus Kanada der zurzeit in Süd Korea lebt.
Seine Serie "Heæled" ist ein reflektierender Blick auf Fetisch und die Definition von Femininität, gesehen durch die Augen eines Voyeurs. Der dazu gehörige Film, der während der Ausstellung gezeigt wird, beinhaltet Aufnahmen aus drei Kontinenten und ist eine Nebeneinanderstellung von Sexualität, Spannung, Angst, Zeit und Verfall.
Vernissage: Freitag, den 23. November 2012 ab 20.00 Uhr in Edi's Weinstube, Stüssihofstatt 14 in Zürich.
Ausstellung: 24.11.-20.12.2012, Mo.- Do. 11.00-24.00 Uhr, Fr. und Sa.
11.00-02.00 Uhr und So. 14.00-22.00 Uhr.
The Museum of Porn in Art presents:
"heæled" by Vedi Djokich
Vedi is a contemporary visual artist who was born in Canada and currently resides in South Korea. He
studied Fine Arts at various art institutes before attaining a BA in Art History. His work is a combination of mediums: screen printing, drawing, painting, photography, video and sculpture. Producing work that is novel, evocative, and universal in meaning is of great importance. Interested in wide range of subjects, he also draws his inspiration from personal experience, observation, and self-reflection. Overseeing every aspect of the creative process is extremely critical to his artistic approach. From the concept, to the selection of raw materials, up until the finishing stages. Each piece is created to be unique and original. Editions are never made as prints on paper, canvas or any other forms of reproduction.
The "heæled" series is a reflective look at fetish and the definition of femininity through the eye of a
voyeur. It examines how certain objects come to define feminine sexuality. The corresponding film is
comprised of footage accumulated from 3 continents, and is a juxtaposition between sexuality, tension, fear, time and decay. It is a stylistic merger between the Fear F*cked series and a darker erotic aesthetic, which represents the direction of the artists current work.
Vernissage: Friday the 23rd of November at 20.00 hours at Edi's Weinstube, Stüssihofstatt 14 in Zurich.
Exhibition: 24.11.-20.12.2012, Mon.- Thu. 11.00-24.00 hours, Fr. and Sa. 11.00-02.00 hours and So. 14.00-22.00 hours.
Picture Gallery