Das Museum of Porn in Art prasentiert:
“SEXUAL FLAMBOYANCE” von Carl Abrahamsson
Jedes Jahr, am letzten Sonntag im September, feiert San Francisco die "Folsom Street Fair", wobei sich die Stadt in das Epizentrum der sexuellen Extravaganz verwandelt. Was anfangs der 80er-Jahre als Schwulen Leder Event anfing, ist zu einem Mekka für alle Arten von Fetisch herangewachsen.
Es gibt keinen anderen Blickwinkel ausser den der Sexualität, egal aus welchem Lager man kommt. Ein Anlass, wo sich die Leute treffen um richtig Spass zu haben. Was man auch sieht!
Carl Abrahamsson, Fotograf aus Stockholm in Schweden, hat seit 2002 die "Folsom Street Fair" dokumentiert. Diese Ausstellung ist seine zweite mit dem Museum of Porn in Art.
Vernissage: Freitag den 20. April 2007 ab 18.00 Uhr in Edi's Weinstube, Stüssihofstatt 14 in Zürich. Der Künstler wird anwesend sein.
Ausstellung: 21.04.-17.05.2007 Sonntag bis Donnerstags von 12.00-24.00 Uhr, Freitags von 12.00-02.00 Uhr und Samstags von 11.00-02.00 Uhr.
The Museum of Porn in Art presents:
“SEXUAL FLAMBOYANCE” by Carl Abrahamsson
On the last Sunday of September each year, the "Folsom Street Fair" in San Francisco becomes an epicentre of sexual flamboyance. What started out in the early 1980's as specifically a gay men's leather event, has since grown to embrace all kinds of fetishes and prurient manifestations. There is no objective other than that of being proud of who you are sexually, regardless of your sex, orientation or "kink". The Folsom Street Fair may contain, thematically, agendas or fundraising activities for increasing the awareness in regard to sexual tolerance. But it's not politically correct like the worldwide "Pride"-festivals usually are. At Folsom Street Fair people come to have fun and that's always the main agenda. And it shows!
Carl Abrahamsson, a photoghrapher based in Stockholm, Sweden, has been documenting the Folsom Street Fair since 2002. This is his second exhibition at the Museum of Porn in Art.
Opening Night: Friday the 20th of April 2007 from 18.00 hours, in Edi's Weinstube, Stüssihofstatt 14 in Zürich. The Artist will be there.
Exhibition: 21.04.-17.05.2007 Sunday to Thursday from 12.00-24.00 hours, Friday from 12.00-02.00 hours and Saturday from 11.00-02.00 hours.
Picture Gallery