Das Museum of Porn in Art präsentiert:
"Filthy Paintings in Zurigo" eine Ausstellung von PELIN SANTILLI
Interview mit dem Künstler Pelin Santilli:
Q. When did you start painting?
A. Since ever.
Q. Why are you an artist and when did you first become one?
A. I was (oppure: I became) an artist for the first time (in my life) when I was 19, in a public toilet in Marrakech.
Q. What are your art influences?
A. All culturally subaltern expressions such as votive offerings, tattoos, XX century avant-gard movements, Die
Brucke’s expressionism, porn comic strips from the ’70, e.g. “Zora the vampire”.
Q. What is it that inspires you to paint a particular subject?
A. I am inspired by the dark sides of everyone’s life, [setacciate? Cioè?] inside History. With a touch of the famous
big laugh that will bury as all.
Q. Where do you find your subject matter?
A. People. “People are the greatest show in the world. And it is free.” (se è una citazione, meglio cercarla)
Q. How did you develop your style?
A. By avoiding teachers.
Q. What materials do you use to create your art?
A. Drawing is like playing for me. I use everything I come across with: from children’s colours to professional products.
Q. Do you have any favorite artists and what have been the major influences in your art?
A. Yes, M. J., the greatest conceptual artist in history.
Q. What’s your biggest accomplishment in terms of art?
A. To bring art inside real life places.
Q. What other interests do you have outside of creating art?
A. I like cooking and taking part in violent demonstrations.
Q. What kind of Music do you listen to?
A. I love opera, especially for all those shining dresses. One day I’d like to be Aida.
Q. Do you have any crazy art gallery moments?
A. I like to transform my expositions into surreal shows. I decide what I am going to do in an improvised way.
Q. What’s your opinion on the art scene today?
A. As A.W. used to say: “all is very nice”. (CERCARE LA CITAZIONE ESATTA)
Q. Would you say that sexy / erotic art is making an impact on the international contemporary art market?
A. Yes, sex has always been a huge creative and economical engine. It is almost more powerful than death.
I don’t know, but it remains the only form of art to still produce ruptures.
Q. What advice would you give to an artist just starting out?
A. Go and live in Berlin.
Q. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A. “In ten years time we will all have relocated to Saint-Tropez.”
Vernissage: Freitag, den 8. Juni 2012 ab 20.00 Uhr in Edi's Weinstube,
Stüssihofstatt 14 in Zürich. Künstler wird anwesend sein.
Ausstellung: 09.06.-05.07.2012, Mo.- Do. 11.00-24.00 Uhr, Fr. und Sa.
11.00-02.00 Uhr und So. 14.00-22.00 Uhr.
Picture Gallery