Kris Wlodarski, aka Kali, born in Poland. Graduated at University of Zielona Gora, Poland (MA philosophy). Influenced by the art of Gottfried Helnwein, Goya, Joel Peter Witkin, Francis Bacon and modern Bodyart movements. He is also a musician, film-maker, and tattoo artist, living and working in London.
2008 – 2012 BA Fine Art, Croydon Art College.
1997 – 2002 MA Philosophy, University of Zielona Gora, Poland
Off Tracks, Paris, France, 2007
The Others - Art Ensemble group show, London, 2008
Cpop Gallery - Cpopportunity group show, Detroit, USA, 2008
'Forma' group exhibition, Rawicz, Poland, 2009
Parfitt Gallery, Croydon College, London, 2009
Abnormals gallery, Berlin, 2009
MOEA, Amsterdam, Holland, 2009
Resistance gallery, “Bizarre Resistance Rising”, London, 2010
Ava gallery, London, 2010
Birdhouse gallery, Austin, USA, 2010
Wilson Williams gallery, London, 2010
“Surrealism Now!”, Convent Saint Anna, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010
“Art with a pulse”, 2021 gallery, visual arts centre, North Licolnshire, 2010
“Act Art” Islington Metalworks, London 2010
Museum of New Art, “New Media, Sex, and Culture in the 21st Century”, Detroit 2010
Galerie Z, “24 Stars”, Stuttgart, 2010
'Black Death', Milk and Lead gallery 2011
'This is so wrong" Resistance gallery, London 2011
'Anti Design Festival, LondonNewcastle project space, London 2011
'Effervescence', Croydon art college, London 2012
'Fool's gold', Cultivate gallery, London 2012
'Battlefields' Mori + Stein gallery, London 2012
Chelsea Library Gallery, London, 2008
Unit24 gallery, London , 2009
MoPiA, Zurich, Switzerland, 2009
Resistance gallery, “New skin for old ceremony”, London (2-artist show with Espira), 2009